Pompeo: "Huge Number of Evidence" for Corona Leakage from Wuhan Lab

Corona REMDESIVIR virus
On Sunday, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo confirmed that "there is a tremendous amount of evidence" that the Coffid-19 source is a laboratory in Wuhan, China. US President Donald Trump has become increasingly critical of China's role in the epidemic, which has infected nearly 3.5 million people and claimed more than 240,000 lives worldwide.
 Trump insisted that Beijing hid important information about the virus outbreak and demanded that it be held accountable.
 News reports stated that Trump authorized the United States spies to find the source of the virus, which was blamed for spreading it to a market in Wuhan that sells exotic animals such as bats to eat.
 It is now believed that novel corona may have leaked from a nearby laboratory conducting virus-related research Pompeo, who was director of the CIA, explained, It is consistent with the statement of the American intelligence community that is consistent with "the broad scientific consensus on the question that the virus (causing) Covid-19 is neither human-made nor genetically modified."
 But he has gone further than Trump, citing "an overwhelming number of important evidence" that Wuhan's laboratory is the source of the virus.
 "I think the whole world can now see and remember that China has a history of transmitting infection to the world and operating non-standards laboratories," he said.
 He believed that Chinese attempts to downplay the virus amounted to "a classic communist attempt to mislead. This caused tremendous danger." Thanks ( Amein Ibrahim elasasy


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